123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- // make the App think you resized the window
- function dispatch_resize(store = APP.store) {
- if (!store){
- clog("nostore")
- return
- }
- // store.dispatch(clientResized_dev(innerWidth, innerHeight));
- store.dispatch({
- clientHeight:innerHeight,
- clientWidth:innerWidth,
- });
- // clog("dispatch_resize")
- }
- // unused old fn to add pseudo videos
- function add_spans(n=1,xtra=0){
- var s = `
- <span class="pseudo_vid videocontainer"></span>
- `
- $(".pseudo_vid").remove()
- if (!xtra){
- n = n - APP.store.getState()["features/base/participants"].length
- }
- var k,v
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- // Things[i]
- clog("..",i)
- $("#filmstripRemoteVideosContainer").append(s)
- }
- dispatch_resize()
- }
- fs_dec_list = [
- "resizeThumbnailsForHorizontalView",
- "resizeThumbnailsForVerticalView",
- // "resizeThumbnailsForTileView",
- ]
- dec_fns = {}