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_variables.scss 7.3KB

  1. @import "themes/light";
  2. /**
  3. * Style variables
  4. */
  5. $baseFontFamily: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'open_sanslight', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  6. $hangupColor: #bf2117;
  7. $hangupFontSize: 2em;
  8. /**
  9. * Size variables.
  10. */
  11. // Video layout.
  12. $thumbnailToolbarHeight: 22px;
  13. $thumbnailIndicatorBorder: 2px;
  14. $thumbnailIndicatorSize: $thumbnailToolbarHeight;
  15. $thumbnailVideoMargin: 2px;
  16. $thumbnailsBorder: 2px;
  17. $thumbnailVideoBorder: 2px;
  18. $filmstripToggleButtonWidth: 17px;
  19. /**
  20. * Color variables.
  21. */
  22. $defaultColor: #F1F1F1;
  23. $defaultSideBarFontColor: #44A5FF;
  24. $defaultSemiDarkColor: #ACACAC;
  25. $defaultDarkColor: #2b3d5c;
  26. $defaultWarningColor: rgb(215, 121, 118);
  27. $presence-available: rgb(110, 176, 5);
  28. $presence-away: rgb(250, 201, 20);
  29. $presence-busy: rgb(233, 0, 27);
  30. $presence-idle: rgb(172, 172, 172);
  31. /**
  32. * Toolbar
  33. */
  34. $newToolbarBackgroundColor: rgba(22, 38, 55, 0.8);
  35. $newToolbarButtonHoverColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
  36. $newToolbarButtonToggleColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
  37. $AOTToolbarButtonHoverColor: rgba(14, 20, 35, 0.6);
  38. $AOTToolbarButtonToggleColor: rgba(14, 20, 35, 1);
  39. $newToolbarFontSize: 24px;
  40. $newToolbarHangupFontSize: 32px;
  41. $newToolbarSize: 40px;
  42. $newToolbarSizeWithPadding: calc(#{$newToolbarSize} + 24px);
  43. $toolbarTitleFontSize: 19px;
  44. $overflowMenuBG: initial;
  45. $overflowMenuItemHoverBG: #313D52;
  46. $overflowMenuItemHoverColor: #B8C7E0;
  47. $overflowMenuItemColor: #B8C7E0;
  48. /**
  49. * Video layout
  50. */
  51. $videoThumbnailHovered: rgba(22, 94, 204, .4);
  52. $videoThumbnailSelected: #165ECC;
  53. $participantNameColor: #fff;
  54. $thumbnailPictogramColor: #fff;
  55. $dominantSpeakerBg: #165ecc;
  56. $raiseHandBg: #D6D61E;
  57. $audioLevelBg: #44A5FF;
  58. $connectionIndicatorBg: #165ecc;
  59. $audioLevelShadow: rgba(9, 36, 77, 0.9);
  60. $videoStateIndicatorColor: $defaultColor;
  61. $videoStateIndicatorBackground: $toolbarBackground;
  62. $videoStateIndicatorSize: 40px;
  63. $remoteVideoMenuIconMargin: initial;
  64. /**
  65. * Feedback Modal
  66. */
  67. $feedbackContentBg: #fff;
  68. $feedbackInputBg: #fff;
  69. $feedbackTextColor: #000;
  70. $feedbackInputTextColor: #333;
  71. $feedbackInputPlaceholderColor: #777;
  72. /**
  73. * Modals
  74. */
  75. $modalButtonFontSize: 14px;
  76. $modalMockAKInputBackground: #fafbfc;
  77. $modalMockAKInputBorder: 1px solid #f4f5f7;
  78. $modalTextColor: #333;
  79. /**
  80. * Chat
  81. */
  82. $chatActionsSeparatorColor: rgb(173, 105, 112);
  83. $chatHeaderBackgroundColor: rgba(42, 58, 75, 0.9);
  84. $chatInputSeparatorColor: #A4B8D1;
  85. $chatLocalMessageBackgroundColor: rgb(4, 98, 178);
  86. $chatPrivateMessageBackgroundColor: rgb(153, 69, 77);
  87. $chatRemoteMessageBackgroundColor: rgb(86, 101, 114);
  88. $sidebarWidth: 375px;
  89. /**
  90. * Misc.
  91. */
  92. $borderRadius: 4px;
  93. $defaultWatermarkLink: '../images/watermark.png';
  94. $popoverMenuPadding: 13px;
  95. $happySoftwareBackground: transparent;
  96. $desktopAppDragBarHeight: 25px;
  97. $scrollHeight: 7px;
  98. /**
  99. * Z-indexes. TODO: Replace this by a function.
  100. */
  101. $zindex0: 0;
  102. $zindex1: 1;
  103. $zindex2: 2;
  104. $zindex3: 3;
  105. $toolbarBackgroundZ: 4;
  106. $filmstripVideosZ: 5;
  107. $zindex10: 10;
  108. $reloadZ: 20;
  109. $poweredByZ: 100;
  110. $ringingZ: 300;
  111. $sideToolbarContainerZ: 300;
  112. $toolbarZ: 350;
  113. $tooltipsZ: 401;
  114. $dropdownMaskZ: 900;
  115. $dropdownZ: 901;
  116. $centeredVideoLabelZ: 1010;
  117. $popoverZ: 1015;
  118. $overlayZ: 1016;
  119. /**
  120. * Font Colors
  121. */
  122. $defaultFontColor: #777;
  123. $defaultLightFontColor: #F1F1F1;
  124. $defaultDarkFontColor: #000;
  125. /**
  126. * Forms
  127. */
  128. //inputs
  129. $inputControlEmColor: #f29424;
  130. //buttons
  131. $linkFontColor: #489afe;
  132. $linkHoverFontColor: #287ade;
  133. $formPadding: 16px;
  134. /**
  135. * Unsupported browser
  136. */
  137. $primaryUnsupportedBrowserButtonBgColor: #0052CC;
  138. $unsupportedBrowserButtonBgColor: rgba(9, 30, 66, 0.04);
  139. $unsupportedBrowserTextColor: #4a4a4a;
  140. $unsupportedBrowserTextSmallFontSize: 17px;
  141. $unsupportedBrowserTitleColor: #fff;
  142. $unsupportedBrowserTitleFontSize: 24px;
  143. $unsupportedDesktopBrowserTextColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
  144. $unsupportedDesktopBrowserTextFontSize: 21px;
  145. /**
  146. * The size of the default watermark.
  147. */
  148. $watermarkWidth: 186px;
  149. $watermarkHeight: 74px;
  150. /**
  151. * Welcome page variables.
  152. */
  153. $welcomePageDescriptionColor: #fff;
  154. $welcomePageFontFamily: inherit;
  155. $welcomePageBackground: linear-gradient(-90deg, #1251AE 0%, #0074FF 50%, #1251AE 100%);
  156. $welcomePageTitleColor: #fff;
  157. $welcomePageHeaderBackground: none;
  158. $welcomePageHeaderBackgroundSmall: none;
  159. $welcomePageHeaderBackgroundPosition: none;
  160. $welcomePageHeaderBackgroundRepeat: none;
  161. $welcomePageHeaderBackgroundSize: none;
  162. $welcomePageHeaderPaddingBottom: 0px;
  163. $welcomePageHeaderTextMarginTop: 35px;
  164. $welcomePageHeaderTextMarginBottom: 35px;
  165. $welcomePageHeaderTextTitleMarginBottom: 16px;
  166. $welcomePageHeaderTextTitleFontSize: 2.5rem;
  167. $welcomePageHeaderTextTitleFontWeight: 500;
  168. $welcomePageHeaderTextTitleLineHeight: 1.18;
  169. $welcomePageHeaderTextTitleOpacity: 1;
  170. $welcomePageHeaderTextDescriptionDisplay: inherit;
  171. $welcomePageHeaderTextDescriptionFontSize: 1rem;
  172. $welcomePageHeaderTextDescriptionFontWeight: 400;
  173. $welcomePageHeaderTextDescriptionLineHeight: 24px;
  174. $welcomePageHeaderTextDescriptionMarginBottom: 20px;
  175. $welcomePageHeaderTextDescriptionAlignSelf: inherit;
  176. $welcomePageEnterRoomWidth: 680px;
  177. $welcomePageEnterRoomPadding: 25px 30px;
  178. $welcomePageEnterRoomBorderRadius: 0px;
  179. $welcomePageEnterRoomInputContainerPadding: 0 8px 5px 0px;
  180. $welcomePageEnterRoomInputContainerBorderWidth: 0px 0px 2px 0px;
  181. $welcomePageEnterRoomInputContainerBorderStyle: solid;
  182. $welcomePageEnterRoomInputContainerBorderImage: linear-gradient(to right, #dee1e6, #fff) 1;
  183. $welcomePageEnterRoomTitleDisplay: inherit;
  184. $welcomePageTabContainerDisplay: flex;
  185. $welcomePageTabContentDisplay: inherit;
  186. $welcomePageTabButtonsDisplay: flex;
  187. $welcomePageTabDisplay: block;
  188. $welcomePageButtonWidth: 51px;
  189. $welcomePageButtonMinWidth: inherit;
  190. $welcomePageButtonFontSize: 14px;
  191. $welcomePageButtonHeight: 35px;
  192. $welcomePageButtonFontWeight: inherit;
  193. $welcomePageButtonBorderRadius: 4px;
  194. $welcomePageButtonLineHeight: 35px;
  195. /**
  196. * Deep-linking page variables.
  197. */
  198. $deepLinkingMobileLogoHeight: 40px;
  199. $deepLinkingMobileHeaderBackground: #f1f2f5;
  200. $deepLinkingMobileLinkColor: inherit;
  201. $deepLinkingMobileTextFontSize: inherit;
  202. $deepLinkingMobileTextLineHeight: inherit;
  203. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceIdMargin: 10px 0 10px 0;
  204. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceIdPadding: inherit;
  205. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceIdBackgroundColor: inherit;
  206. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceIdBorderRadius: inherit;
  207. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceNameFontSize: inherit;
  208. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceNameLineHeight: inherit;
  209. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceNameMarginBottom: none;
  210. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceNameFontWeight: inherit;
  211. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceDescriptionFontSize: 0.8em;
  212. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceDescriptionLineHeight: inherit;
  213. $deepLinkingDialInConferenceDescriptionMarginBottom: none;
  214. $deepLinkingDialInConferencePinFontSize: inherit;
  215. $deepLinkingDialInConferencePinLineHeight: inherit;
  216. $depLinkingMobileHrefLineHeight: 2.2857142857142856em;
  217. $deepLinkingMobileHrefFontWeight: bolder;
  218. $deepLinkingMobileHrefFontSize: inherit;
  219. $deepLinkingMobileButtonHeight: 2.2857142857142856em;
  220. $deepLinkingMobileButtonLineHeight: 2.2857142857142856em;
  221. $deepLinkingMobileButtonMargin: 18px auto 10px;
  222. $deepLinkingMobileButtonWidth: auto;
  223. $deepLinkingMobileButtonFontWeight: bold;
  224. $deepLinkingMobileButtonFontSize: inherit;
  225. $primaryDeepLinkingMobileButtonBorderRadius: inherit;
  226. /**
  227. * Chrome extension banner variables.
  228. */
  229. $chromeExtensionBannerDontShowAgainDisplay: flex;
  230. $chromeExtensionBannerHeight: 128px;
  231. $chromeExtensionBannerTop: 80px;
  232. $chromeExtensionBannerRight: 16px;
  233. $chromeExtensionBannerTopInMeeting: 10px;
  234. $chromeExtensionBannerRightInMeeeting: 10px;